Chef 187 is the biggest rapper in the country – Holstar

Chef 187 is the biggest rapper in the country – Holstar
The Zambian African Bambaata and Hip-Hop guru Holster has really given his honest side of the picture concerning Zed hip hop. Holster is one of the biggest zed hip hop artists that Zambia has. He was among the team that brought us the sensational hip hop crew that ran the game back then, the Zone Fam
In a virtual interview he had with Steve BussaGS he painted the picture very well by reviewing to the world the Zambian biggest artist of our time as far as zed hip hop is concerned. ‘’I would…say the biggest rapper in the country…is a dude by the name of Chef 187’’ he said.
Also noting that he goes by many names like Chefy, Sabala, sensei and so on, he holds the game down though for the most part he raps in vernacular. Ever since his introduction to the game, chef 187 has been on top of the game, releasing dope songs and albums like no other hip hop artist in the country.
This message does not really come as a surprise to some fans, as it is well known that he has been great over the years, but only sometimes in the whispers. Back then one of the biggest rappers in the country Macky2 and Slap dee had also agreed. It is good that it has been put out there for the world to recognize it.