DJ Mzenga Man asks Macky 2 to jump on 2021 End Of Year Cypher

DJ Mzenga Man asks Macky 2 to jump on 2021 End Of Year Cypher
DJ Mzenga Man has appealed to Kalandanya Music promotion artist who is also Zambian hip-hop mogul Macky 2 at least drop a verse on the 2021 End Of Year Cypher before he retires from the music business. Mzenga Man also asked Macky 2 if he can clear the air that he has never been left on any of the End Of Year Cypher because the fans always think and believe that he’s the one who leaves him on it.
Macky 2 is currently working on his last body of work “Olijaba” album, which means “Original” when translated to English language. The project “Olijaba” was supposed to drop sometime back in June but was later rescheduled to a later a date which has not be announced yet, however Macky 2 has a new song in the pipe line which is set for release on his birthday 10th October 2021
See Mzenga Man’s comment on Mack 2 post.