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Fans Angered By Chile One Mrzambia For Laughing At Yo Mapsโ€™ New Album That It Is A Flop (See His Comments)

Fans Angered By Chile One Mrzambia For Laughing At Yo Mapsโ€™ New Album That It Is A Flop (See His Comments)

It seems like the stage is not big enough for Yo Maps & Chile One Mrzambia as the 2 keeps getting entangled in the fansโ€™ reactions over what seem to be or may not be. While people share different opinions on certain issues, these 2 artists does provide a warzone for their fans

Chile One who was expected to feature in Try Again, Yo Mapsโ€™ new album, was nowhere to be seen on the project. this prompted some fans to obviously asking for explanations. But were not going to get non & got own their high alert

See Related News: Chile One To Feature In Yo Maps Album (Read)

After some time, Chile One posted a โ€˜โ€˜Laughingโ€ Emoji which made people to flock on his page to interpret it as he was laughing at the album that it is a flop.

See Also: Yo Maps โ€“ Try Again Full Album Download

Some fans got into heated arguments while obviously, Chile One was on a rocking chair laughing at all this, to add salt to the wound, he never shared the album on his socials

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