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Yo Maps charges K81,688 for outdoor perfomance, See feature fee

Yo Maps has made things easier for those who would want to feature or work with him in anyway possible. In other words; we can say that he is now within reach & not as hard as people claimed he could be.

Yo Mapsโ€˜ team have put up something that is self explanatory if one would want to engage him in some works. There is an official website catered for the artist & people can simply go there to check the price list provided.

This means that no speculations will be flying around about how much he charges for his services. Prices ranges from $800 to 4,800. And like they always say, if you think the prices are high, then you are not the intended targeted market.

See Rate card below

See How You Can Feature & How Much You Can Pay To Feature Yo Maps

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