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Driemo Gets 2 Million Boost From Amaryllis Hotel For His Mzaliwa Album Launch

Driemo Gets 2 Million Boost From Amaryllis Hotel For His Mzaliwa Album Launch

Driemo has continued a great to his journey to his debut album dubbed Mzaliwa which has received great support from fellow artists & the corporate world. The Newest to jump on the Wagon is Amaryllis Hotel Blantyre with a 2 Million cushion to his budget.

Driemo expressed his happiness on his socials & thanked the Hotel Management for coming to his aid & for his this great support.

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Amaryllis Hotel not only came in with financial support, they also made submission of free accommodation to selected supporting that will be performing at the event.

As the D-day draws near, we can almost smell Comesa Hall packed with great new music, energy from the people & off course a successful day for our beloved Kakaland Boy, Driemo

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