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Zambian Fans Mock Chile One’s Poor Dressing In Australia

Chile One Mrzambia Is On The Receiving End Of Cyber Bullying Over Poor Dressing And His Show In Australia

Netizens have gone on the offensive after Chile One Mrzambia shared a photo of himself in Australia, where he was performing over the weekend.

The Zambian singer was in Perth, Australia, and took some time to tour the area before his show. However, a photo he posted of himself relaxing in slippers drew criticism from online detractors, who mocked his casual attire.

The situation escalated when he shared a clip of his performance, which some critics dismissed as a mere “house party in a one-room.”

This backlash follows a previous online clash with Chellah Tukuta, adding to the tension. While Chile One Mrzambia worked hard during his time in Australia, it’s clear that some of the harsh comments left a sting.

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