Mordecaii Will Never Be Yo Maps – B’Flow

Mordecaii Will Never Be Yo Maps, – B’Flow
B’Flow has voiced out on the trending debate of Mordecaii and Yo Maps and Chile One MrZambia,
B’Flow wrote:
Fellow Zambians, for once, let’s learn to love each other genuinely. The usual “pull him/her down” syndrome has never helped this nation to progress. Instead, it has derailed us from developing in many spheres.
Music is a talent distributed to various individuals by God the creator. The same God who blessed K’millian music with the talent of music is the same God who has granted talent and fame to the Yo Maps you are listening to today.
The God who created DaNNy Kaya and Jordan Katembula JK also created Chile One MrZambia and Ephraim Son of Africa. Sadly, we as a people have fallen into the trap of toxic comparison and gone on a trajectory of choosing to injur one act as a way of supporting another. We are even proud to be making or breaking one artist at a time yet we have the option of supporting a variety of artists at once— because the cake is big enough for everyone.
Truth be told, Mordecaii Zm will Never be Yo Maps and Yo Maps will never be Mordecai, never. We all sound different yet we are perfectly integrated to complement each other to create a perfect recipe for the Zambian music consumers.
By now, we could have been enjoying some interesting collaborations such as Chile One featuring Yo Maps or Yo Maps featuring Chile One. Alas, the so-called ‘Disciplinary Committee’ makes it almost impossible at the moment. Even if the two artists may be willing to work together, deep down they may shun the idea for fear of being called out by fellow Zambians who are likely to say “A is better than B” or “X was killed on that song by Y”.
Stop teaching young Mordecai resentment for other artists and unhealthy competition. Instead, encourage him to learn one or two things from the same Yo Maps you are busy rating him against. Stop using new artists to fight your personal battles against someone. You clearly tried to use Chile One to injur Yo Maps and now you are trying to use Mordecai for the same agenda.
The two artists are gifted differently and should be supported according to their hard work. In fact, both of them can represent Zambia internationally. The more, the merrier. By the way, track #9 on my new album is called “Chingastry” which talks about people who like to kill other people’s dreams for no apparent reason. Don’t turn the music industry into a music chingastry and stop spreading hatred among artists.